Monday, February 14, 2011

Legality Of Walker's Assault Questioned

From the Racine Post (emphasis mine):
Make no mistake, what's going on in Madison this week is nothing short of revolution. Regardless which side you're on -- with Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican legislative majority or with Democrats and the state's unionized employees -- there's no doubt the capitol is 2011's Valley Forge, Gettysburg or Tahrir Square. The governor says he has already alerted the National Guard to maintain order. 
The governor's so-called budget repair bill guts collective bargaining for hundreds of thousands of state employees, including teachers (but not police and firemen). It would roll back and eliminate provisions workers and management have worked out over decades. We're no lawyers, but this ex post facto maneuver strikes us as constitutionally illegal.
Interesting question, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Clearly they're not even close to being lawyers, because there's nothing illegal about changing the law.
