Tuesday, January 5, 2010

GOP Alienates Another Demographic

Michael Steele, RNC Chairman, is one of the Democrats' best friends, since he keeps pushing people away from their ever-shrinking tent. Today's ostracized group are Native Americans:
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has been out aggressively promoting his new book, “Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda,” which was just released yesterday. He went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News last night to discuss Republican principles and insisted that the Republican Party does not need to modernize. “Honest Injun on that,” he said to underscore his point [...]
Fortunately for the GOP, and the Dems, the GOP have the sociopaths' votes locked up.


  1. Steve Kagen.

    Glass houses and all...

  2. I knew that name would pop up. But what is good for the goose...

  3. All right children. Put the toys away and go to bed.

  4. It's one thing about waiting for the name to show up, it's another when you intentional leave it off as you cherry-pick a story at Think Progress (NO ILL SHALL EVER BE SAID OF DEMOCRATS THERE!) when other liberal blogs did bring up the 2006 "gaffe."

