Saturday, December 26, 2009

He Is No Father Christmas

Scott Walker had some tacky problems with his tweeting this holiday.

First, he couldn't even take a break from mooching for money, right up through Christmas Eve Day:Then Walker shows what kind of leader he really is with this tweet:

Another tweeter asked him why he didn't support his community by buying locally. The answer is simple: He doesn't believe in Wisconsin, much less Milwaukee.

But for me, the kicker was this one:

How can this guy, who has single-handedly put more people in this community out of work than anyone else now has the audacity and insensitivity to complain about helping the poor at a charity dinner?

On the bright side, we do get to glimpse at Walker's future, after he drops out of the gubernatorial race:

Scott "Would you like Fries with that?" Walker


  1. Well, I'll give you this. Anyone who tweets about this stuff is pretty self centered.

  2. self centered is one way to put it. walker is an ego maniac and as we have seen time and time again will do whatever it takes to further his own career.he's a friggin joke.

  3. Started serving when kids were small, now they r tall ...

    Maybe he meant the same kids who show up at the Sally Ann are still starving since he started serving as county exec, now they are just taller (and there are probably more of them).

  4. Wanting fries with that is more private sector "real job" experience than Scotty's had in his adult life. Really.

  5. Jake, that would be doubly true if he had to get the job himself, and not have someone pull strings for him.
