Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why I Bash Scott Walker

While looking for something for the previous post, I cam across this old post by Xoff:
I do bash Walker quite a bit, I'll admit. It's probably more like 10% of my posts than half, but if you're Walker it might seem like half.

Why do I do it?

1. It's fun.

2. Walker is eminently bashable.

3. He deserves it.

Walker and Fraley would like to believe Walker is the target because Doyle is somehow afraid of having to run against him. I can't speak for the governor (I gave up that job awhile back and have no Doyle role), but I will tell you that I hope Scott Walker is the Republican nominee. He is eminently beatable for the same reasons he is eminently bashable.

Scott Walker is a phony. He's not who he pretends to be. He hasn't kept the promises he made when he ran for office. He's tried to cover up his failures and mistakes. And he's never, never taken responsibility himself for anything that has gone wrong since he became Milwaukee County executive.

Whether it's budget blowups, breaking the election laws, cutting key social programs, or dozens of other foulups that have happened on his short watch, Walker has always pointed the finger somewhere else.

Now he tells a WisPolitics luncheon that Doyle is responsible for the bad press he's gotten on a failed, risky pension bonding scheme that the voters rejected, and for his violations of the election laws.


There's more, but that's enough to see the pattern.

Walker presented himself as a reformer, a different kind of candidate, someone who would operate differently, clean up the mess, fix the county's financial crisis, and reduce taxes.

Instead, he has turned out to be just another typical politician -- one who will say anything to get elected, but feels no obligation to follow through once he's in office.

So that, in short, is why I bash Scott Walker. I'll share more specific reasons with you between now and the 2006 election.

Mark Green, the other GOP candidate for governor, will get his share, too. (In fact, he's been mentioned in 19 posts compared to Walker's 25.) It's just that Walker is right here in Milwaukee, under my nose, and just keeps on being so bashable.

Any further complaints?

Funny, four years later, and it still holds true for Walker. Just change 2010 for 2006, Neumann for Green and me for Xoff. Eerie, isn't it? (I cannot claim to hold a candle to Xoff, but I do try. )


  1. Umm, Capps. It's more than 10%. If it was only 10% do you think I would have classified it as 'obsession'?

  2. Umm, Capps. It's more than 10%. If it was only 10% do you think I would have classified it as 'obsession'?

    Umm, that 10% figure is from the link. You know, as stated in the opening paragraph about an inch up the page.


  3. My mistake, oh perfect one.. Yeesh..

    Capps, when's the next time you're up at the Castle?

  4. You are really high on your self, aren't you?

  5. We're headed home this weekend, but are only having the usual onion burgers. We will be up there for a week to celebrate the traditional festivities of Leafapalooza. I will make damn sure I have those best damn cheeseburgers, with sharp cheddar from the factory for you.

  6. I was wondering what "Leafapalooza" is so I googled it and the first result was to your blog. :)

  7. E-mail me when that happens. Later, pal-o-mine! BTW, I want your opinion on my post from yesterday..
