Monday, February 23, 2009

I Like Your Christ

From Pundit Kitchen:

I found it timely that Pundit Kitchen would have this appear on the same day that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran a story about Doyle's proposal to allow domestic partner registration. His argument is that, besides just being the proper thing to do, the state could benefit economically by keeping good people here, as well as drawing more people to the state.

Meanwhile, Julaine Appling, Wisconsin's own version of Shirley Phelps-Roper, and her cohorts, have taken the Westboro approach of opposing it:

Appling said the proposal so resembles marriage that she believes it would be challenged in court if it were to become law, and would likely not pass constitutional muster. Her group has already contacted attorneys to evaluate the proposal.

"He's purporting to create a legal status that is similar to marriage," said Austin R. Nimocks, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, a nonprofit legal firm in Scottsdale, Ariz., that says it promotes religious freedom. "The bill does violate and run afoul of the Wisconsin marriage amendment."

This is even though Doyle's proposal would only allow "43 of the more than 200 rights and benefits given to married couples under the law."

I reckon the anti-proposal folks are figuring that they can't allow gays to have that sort of thing, or they might start feeling like they are an equal part of the community.


  1. It is just terrible that Wisconsin passed this amendment. Further Doyle's right, this is actually an economic issue. The more open and Tolerant (of the 3 Ts) a region is can pay big dividends in the economy. i.e. It's harder to recruit Talent, or Talent moves out of the region. Hopefully we can resolve this one day.

  2. I think those protesters are liberals based upon the sign that thanks God for dead soldiers and that God hates the USA. Only liberals would make such signs - seriously - no joke.

  3. Anon, seriously, no joke, those hateful whackjobs are part of the Westboro Baptist Church from Kansas. They've been travelling around the country staging their hate-filled diatribes at the funerals of American soldiers. Liberals and conservatives alike are rightly horrified by their hatred and twisted view of what this nation is, and liberals and conservatives alike have roundly and thoroughly condemned Fred Phelps, the leader of this band of bigots and hate-mongers.


  4. Anon, the Westboro Church has their own website. It's address is

    That is not exactly liberal sounding, is it. Also, don't forget Rush said that he hopes America fails. He's not liberal either.

  5. Great move by Doyle - socially and economically. A great article on exactly that topic and how it relates to economics:

    "Stuck in old paradigms of economic development, cities like Buffalo, New Orleans, and Louisville struggled in the 1980s and 1990s to become the next "Silicon Somewhere" by building generic high-tech office parks or subsidizing professional sports teams. Yet they lost members of the creative class, and their economic dynamism, to places like Austin, Boston, Washington, D.C. and Seattle---places more tolerant, diverse, and open to creativity."

    People who bash places like San Fran for it's tolerance should consider both the high quality of life enjoyed there, as well as the economic engine it became specifically because of that tolerance and fostering of the creative class.

  6. Umm, Caps. In the interest of honesty, the "Westboro Baptist Church" is made up entirely of that idiots family. They can say they are Christians all they wan't. That doesn't make it so. As to Rush, if you listened to the entire segment, he was referring to Obama's policies, not that it matters to some here. He NEVER said he hoped America would fail. Don't turn into Media Matters. Please. You I respect. Them, I don't.

  7. Bill-

    Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. Either they are Christians, dumb ass ones, but still Christians, or Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda aren't Muslims.

    I would go with the former. Just as bin Laden distorted Islam for his warped purposes, these fools are distorting Christianity for their purposes. But no matter how warped their thinking is, they are basing it on those religions, respectively.

    As for Limbaugh, I did see the entire thing, and he knew damn well what he was saying, and I perceived it differently than you.

  8. It's not both ways. You can't go against the teachings of Christ, then say you're a Christan. Just saying that doesn't make it so. If you said you were a martian, I'd never believe it. Then again...

    As to Rush, he meant Obama's policies. He doesn't believe in them, so he won't compromise his principles and falsely claim to support Obama. I think Obama's policies are bad news as well. Does that mean I'm against America?

  9. Two things on the first paragraph:

    One, are you willing to admit that bin Laden wasn't a Muslim?

    Two, there are many variations of Christianity, and each says similar things about the other sects. Catholics, Lutherans, Evangelicals, and so on, each say they are the only true Christians.

    Oh, and a third thing, not Martian, Alpha Centaurian. :)

    On Limbo,I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

  10. Actually, yes. Bin Laden is a Muslim. There are verses in the Koran that back up what he preaches. You have to understand something about the Quran. The sura's are not in the order they were written. Muhammed said much before he was rejected by Jews and others that was peaceful, or promoted peace. After he was rejected, he then went into the spread Islam by force mode. No where, does Christ call for one to kill someone who doesn't accept Him as Lord and Savior. No where did Christ say to spread 'the good news' by force.

    I care little for the different sects in Christianity. It's not about Catholic/Lutheran etc. It's about believing in Christ, and him crucified, as well as what He taught and commanded us to do.

  11. Bill,

    Luke 19:27

    "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."

    And Bill, technically speaking, the Phelps are doing what the Bible says they should do. I don't know whether they need to accept Jesus as the Christus. But they are Christians. Dumb ass ones that make the rest of us look bad, but they are what they are. Just like bin Laden makes the 'real' Muslims look bad for his extremist positions.

  12. Capper, I thought you above taking something out of context. That's from the parable of the 10 minas. Christ is NOT saying to kill someone. He's speaking to the final judgement, what you do with Christ's gift. Your statement shows an ignorance of scripture to twist it like that, and I'm disappointed that you would do that.
