Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Palin Derails Straight Talk Express

Sarah Palin, the only hope for the McCain campaign, is either a fool, or her handlers are fools.

First, basically acknowledging the fact that she has no foreign relations experience beyond seeing Russia from her house, Team Spuds has her meeting with dignitaries at the United Nations. Mmm, McCain's campaign must be so strapped for cash after running all those smear ads which have been thoroughly discredited, that they could no longer afford cable TV with all those National Geographic specials.

While she was to meet with said international dignitaries, Team Spuds banned all reporters from the event. Needless to say, that went over like a lead balloon. Already tired of the McPalin's constantly harping that the media was biased and against them, the media warned that they'll just take their cameras and go home, thereby denying Palin the attention she desperately wants and that the campaign desperately needs.

There are numerous reasons for Team Spuds keeping their lipsticked bulldog on a short leash.

First of all, she just doesn't do well when she isn't following her scripted teleprompter-provided speeches.

Secondly, she can't seem to open her mouth without the lies just flying out on their own accord.

Thirdly, Team Spuds can not afford to have any questions about Troopergate to come out. She would have a hard time explaining why she did a sudden reversal, and after initially agreeing to cooperate with the investigation, she decided that it was too partisan to allow it to go on. It beats me how a Republican can complain about an investigative body, of which 10 of the 14 people on it are also Republican. Lawyers from Team Spuds have sued to have the investigation stopped.

After switching directions regarding the investigation, Palin switched to a third direction. Now she is suddenly OK with an investigation, and will again cooperate fully. That is, she will cooperate as long as it is done by the personnel review board, which coincidentally consists of three Republicans that can be fired by Palin on a whim.

So, to be perfectly clear, she is accused of firing someone because he wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law, who had already been investigated and punished. Then, when an investigation starts to see if she abused the power of her office and fired the person for personal reasons, she agrees to cooperate and then stops cooperating. She then states she is willing to cooperate, only if the investigation is done by people whom she can fire for no reason at all, or for a reason such as, they find her guilty of abusing her power.

Only to a Republican would that make any sense. And only a Republican would see nothing wrong with this. After all, this is right out of the Bush/Cheney playbook.

For further analysis, I would recommend this expose from Mudflats, written by people that actually live in Alaska, but have not claimed to see Russia from their porch. In fact, keep an eye on the whole blog. Well written and gets to the meat of the matter.

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