Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Election System Works, Conservatives Outraged

JSOnline is reporting that a number of voter registration cards produced by ACORN were fraudulent.

Predictably, the conservosphere is in an outrage, demanding to know why the heck we don't have Voter ID. I won't give you a link, because then whoever I link to will only whine that I'm picking them out. And to link to all of them in the outrage cloning tank would just take too dang long. So just go to any of the conservosphere's bloggers, and you'll find one version or another of the same song and dance.

Anyway, the righties claim that this is just more proof for the need for Voter ID. But they are ignoring a few facts, because that would deflate the good pout they got going for them.

One is that ACORN is the one that pointed out the flawed cards and turned in the bad people. From the article:
ACORN found the problems and fired a dozen workers, Castore said. But under state law, all of the voter registration cards had to be turned in to the election commission, even if they were clearly fraudulent or incomplete, Edman and Castore said. So ACORN sent in the cards but flagged the fraudulent or incomplete ones, they said.

Two, as Cory at One Wisconsin Now points out, the numbers are relatively small in the grand scheme of things, and the fraudulent cards were picked out right away and the system is still intact.

Three, all of the fraudulent registration cards were found without the need for one picture ID.

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